Sunday, March 13, 2005

چت نوروزی

اين چت توسط هاله از وبلاگ سرزمين آفتاب راه اندازی شده. شرکت کنيد.

1 پـيـام:

Anonymous Anonymous گفته است:


The Man discovered the COLORS and invented the PAINTING,
The Woman discovered the PAINTING and invented the MAQUIAGEM.

The Man discovered the WORD and invented the COLLOQUY,
The Woman discovered the COLLOQUY and invented the FOFOCA.

The Man discovered the GAME and invented the LETTERS,
The Woman discovered the LETTERS and invented the TAROT.

The Man discovered AGRICULTURE and invented the FOOD,
The Woman discovered the FOOD and invented the DIET.

The Man discovered the FEELINGS and invented the LOVE,
The Woman discovered the LOVE and invented the MARRIAGE.

The Man discovered the WOMAN and invented the SEX,
The Woman discovered the SEX and invented the MIGRAINE.

The Man discovered the COMMERCE and invented the MONEY,
The Woman discovered the MONEY and there everything fudeu...

8:39 PM  

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